Life Unedited & A PayPal Giveaway
/Packing time...
I thought I'd throw up a few photos of our week! Unedited and in the raw, this is life for us right now: saying goodbye, packing up our house, and still trying to have new experiences and enjoy time together as a family. Some of these photos are from - I'd love it if you looked me up - @ !
Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom to check out a giveaway!
Somehow we managed to squeeze us all in...
Andrew took this amazing shot during his trip to Kratie.
Family lunch out to a new-ish restaurant
Rainy season clouds!
Declan enjoying the view
Getting some mom-time alone last weekend was awesome.
Rice fields near our house
Birthday celebrations Poipet-style!
This month, I'm sponsoring Chantel at A Harvest of Blessing, and she is hosting a $30 PayPal giveaway! Enter below!