2014 Survey Results
/Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey for me! Twelve people took the survey for me, and I really appreciate the time and thought you put into it. Your insight has helped me see what I can write about in the future and different topics you're interested in.
Obviously twelve is not a representative sample, but I feel like I sat down for a ten-minute conversation with twelve people about the blog. And I know more now than I did before the survey - so it's good enough for me!
If you wanted to take the survey but didn't have time, I'm leaving it open for now. You can check out the link here! I'd still love to hear what you think.
And here are some of the numbers for data geeks. Some of the respondents didn't answer all the questions, so that's why the numbers don't always add up!
- 17 or younger: 1
- 18-29: 8 (makes sense - this is the age group I'm in and most of my friends!)
- 30-39: 2
- 50-59: 1
- Male: 2
- Female: 9
- United States: 9
- Australia: 1
- Thailand: 1
How did you find Journey Mercies?
- Twitter: 1
- Facebook: 1
- I know you personally: 9 (this makes me feel loved! :)
- Another blog: 1
Which topics on Journey Mercies do you enjoy reading about the most? (multiple answers)
- Faith & Christian life (10)
- Personal updates and stories (10)
- Cross-cultural living (9)
- Travel tips & stories (9)
- Marriage & family (8)
- Book reviews (5)
- Other: ministry opportunities & prayer requests
Which topics are not interesting to you? (multiple answers)
- Marriage & motherhood (1)
- Book reviews (2)
What topics that I don't cover right now are you interested in reading about on Journey Mercies? (comment box)
- Relationships with nationals
- Specifics about Andrew's work
- Organization, planning, & blog stuff
- More about faith and cross-cultural ministry
Why do you read Journey Mercies? (comment box)
- Insight into missions & ministry
- Life & motherhood in another culture
- Love reading Christian blogs
- Keep up with what you're doing in Cambodia
- Encouraging, refreshing & authentic writing
- Learn about other cultures and countries
- To see cute baby photos (awww!)
Would you be interested in a monthly or biweekly email newsletter with highlighted posts from Journey Mercies and other content not available on the blog?
- Yes: 3
- No: 3
- Maybe: 6
- Help organize my own ministry
- Share recipes from Cambodia
A lot of you wrote really encouraging comments, and I appreciate that so much! Sometimes I feel like I'm writing into a big open universe that doesn't always talk back to me. Comments are like candy for bloggers - they encourage us and give us motivation to keep writing, because we know we're making a difference in someone's life.
If you have any other feedback or ideas, you can always leave a comment below or contact me directly. Thanks for hanging out on Journey Mercies with me!