Goals for April 2014

I'm starting to finally get it - how to accomplish monthly goals. 

I struggled the past few months on how to connect those three things on my Powersheets (read about how I use them here). But now I'm seeing that, in order to make the big goals happen, I need to take weekly and daily steps to get there.

March was a crazy month. We had a baby, moved back to Cambodia, and adjusted our lives to being parents. I think we'll be working on that last one for several years. Some of my goals for March didn't happen, but lots of really good, healthy things did. And I think that's worth celebrating, right?

So here's what DID happen in March.

  • I finished studying the book of John after spending a few months in and out of it.
  • Andrew and I had two date nights after returning to Poipet, compliments of my mom's babysitting services.
  • I finally finished reading , which I'd been slowly chipping away at for about four months.
  • Declan and I got off to a great start to breastfeeding - not as terrifying as I'd imagined! I even stopped using my timing app. Major win.
  • I took an Influence Network class called "Turning Weakness Into Strength" that was just what I needed to hear, as a new stay-at-home-mom feeling overwhelmed by her shortcomings and weaknesses (both physical and emotional!). 
  • Celebrated our son's one month birthday (already?!?)

And for April? I'm excited to get back into a groove. Even though we'll kick off the month with a two day trip to Siem Reap to introduce my mom to the wonders of Angkor Wat before shipping her back to America...and spending five days in Bangkok over the Buddhist New Year to soak in some air-conditioning, swimming, and mall time.

Forget it, there really isn't a groove here, except going with the flow.

But here are some goals for the upcoming month.

  • Survive hot season  - this is no joke. The heat index has been over 105F degrees (sometimes over 110F!) almost every day this week. And it probably will only get worse in April. This requires loads of water, showers, and as much air conditioning as our weak electrical system can offer up. 
  • * - I'm struggling to get back into a Bible study habit, and I've heard great things about this 30 day devotional. Plus the Kindle edition was on sale!
  • Complain LESS and encourage MORE - I've heard myself complaining a lot over the past few weeks, especially after coming back to Poipet from Bangkok. I need to accept the realities of where we're living and only speak what is good and helpful!
  • Start Expat Living Group from the Influence Network - Influence is starting new online community groups, and I'm excited to be in a group with two other expat women.
  • Start using home planning system - yup, I love me some forms. I want to get my cleaning and household schedules figured out - as best I can with a new baby!
  • Work through Kat Lee's new HowTheyBlog.com Blog Planning Kit* - I did it several months ago, but she has a new kit out, and I can't wait to work through it again! She has lots of new and redesigned forms, and they're editable, which I love.
  • Host women's prayer night in Poipet to reconnect with friends - I've been gone a long time and have only seen several women once or twice since returning. So I need me some girl time.
That's it for this month! I'm linking up with Hayley at The Tiny Twig to share this month's goals. 

How about you? What do you hope to accomplish in April?

Happy Spring!

*Note: Affiliate links used. See full disclosure here.
"affiliate", "goals"

Whitney @ Journey Mercies