Learn to Love What Must Be Done

Learn to Love What Must Be Done

This phrase from Goethe has been rolling around in my head lately, in the middle of a pile of laundry, reports due at work, and another tantrum to be corrected and redirected. Life is full of work that must be done, whether we love it or not. (And just in case you think I sit around reading Goethe for fun, I'll freely admit that I found this quote on a piece of art.)

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What I'm Reading - October 2016

What I'm Reading - October 2016

Are you there, Internet? It's me, Whitney. 

Yes, it's been a month and a half since I posted on here. September was not a fun month. Car wreck, sick days, lost FitBit, police ticket, denied insurance claims - maybe I should rename it the expensive month. I'm very glad it's over and October is here, despite the damp, chilly weather.

But the good news is - we survived and are still kicking along. Our kitchen actually has cabinets and countertops. The car is back after 3 weeks in the shop. And I get to make my first court appearance next week to ask the judge if he can pretty please reduce my ticket fee? We'll see how that goes. 

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Sometimes Adventure Means Staying Put

Sometimes Adventure Means Staying Put

Over the past month, our family has embarked on a new adventure that involves staying right where we are: a kitchen/living room renovation project.

We purchased our (almost) tiny home seven years ago right before we married. While we lived overseas, we rented it out, then moved back in on our return to the States. 

For a long time, I was itchy to move into something 'bigger and better.' But then we accomplished a big feat - paying off the mortgage, thanks to tax breaks while living overseas and lots of financial savvy on my husband's part. And we realized how much we love the freedom of living debt free. 

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