Learn to Love What Must Be Done

Learn to Love What Must Be Done

This phrase from Goethe has been rolling around in my head lately, in the middle of a pile of laundry, reports due at work, and another tantrum to be corrected and redirected. Life is full of work that must be done, whether we love it or not. (And just in case you think I sit around reading Goethe for fun, I'll freely admit that I found this quote on a piece of art.)

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Sometimes You Need a Break

Sometimes You Need a Break

I took an unintended two-week writing hiatus this month. Life has been full of a lot of good moments lately. And parenting a two-year-old has its days of exhausted joy that doesn't leave much time or energy for typing out words on a screen. My quiet moments alone, normally spent writing, have been given over to napping or over-due housework.

Life happens. And I'm ok with that.

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Invite Them Into The Mess

Invite Them Into The Mess

It was one of those hilarious miscommunications that can happen in marriage. My husband and I had agreed to invite a couple over for dinner sometime during the week. He asked me what time would be good, and, thinking he meant in a general sense, I replied that around 6 pm would be fine. 

Later that evening, as I was getting our baby ready for bed, my husband said casually, “So they should be here in about thirty minutes; should I start dinner?” I looked at him, mouth agape, saying, “You didn’t say they were coming today!” And I proceeded to hurriedly dress and feed the baby and jump into the kitchen to start cooking.

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Being a Woman in Light of the Gospel

Being a Woman in Light of the Gospel

The past few weeks, I've done a few things a bit uncharacteristic for me. I started a study of Proverbs 31, the infamous "perfect woman" of the Bible. And I went to a Christian women's retreat.

On the surface, these may not seem very radical to you. If you're a female conservative evangelical Christian, you may even think it odd that these things are unusual for me. But for a long time, I shied away from anything that puts me in a box as a woman. I even heard myself telling a friend recently, "I don't like anyone to tell me what kind of woman I should be."

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Letters to Declan: Two Years Old

Letters to Declan: Two Years Old

Dear Declan,

Happy 2nd birthday! I am unbelievably proud of the clever, happy, and inquisitive toddler you are growing into. You have changed in countless ways over the past twelve months since my last letter to you. Forgive me for not keeping up with the monthly tradition; I can barely keep up with you in real time these days, let alone on the internet, too.

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